Saturday, September 12, 2009

Would you please pray for me? I'm really struggling with loneliness and homesickness right now. I know the Lord will use this challenging time for my good, and I am trying to in Him for strength. Even so, I'm having a difficult time and would appreciate prayers!


Charissa said...

praying, my dear friend. :) I know the feeling. I love you very much. wish we could meet for coffee!!!

Anonymous said...

what helped/helps me is to remember that i am where God called me to be for such a time as's not forever, although it feels like that. i'm sorry i don't have wiser words to offer....but i love you so very much and am praying God's strength and peace will be poured out on you...

Anonymous said...

I read your post on Charissa's blog and it reminded me that I had recently read this poem. I had thought about sending it to Charissa but forgot. Perhaps God brought it to my attention for you :-)

"My Child You're Not Alone"

At times like these it's hard to find the right words to say,
And I know that words alone won't take the pain away.
But, I know a man who sits high, and looks low,
And He is saying, "My child, you're not alone."

He is saying, "I love you and I am concerned about you,
And all the pain and hurt that you are going through."

He is saying, "Lean on me, I will be your comfort through this time.
And although it’s dark now, the sun again will shine."

Even though it’s hard to see through tears that you now cry,
Just know that there will come a day when your tears, He will dry.
And though words alone won’t ease the pain that you now feel,
Just know that in time, your heart, He will heal.

I pray that God will give you peace, and strength in your heart
As He holds you in His arms, and from you, He won’t depart.
May you always be encouraged, may you ever hold on.
And remember, "My child, you're not alone."

Praying for you!

Tim said...

How are you doing girl? I've been praying for you this week!

RaptureMe said...
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RaptureMe said...

Precious Hannah, I "stumbled upon" your blog, and I want to encourage you. I'm a 59-year old mother of three -- two sons & a 21-year old daughter. Write me at, and I will be glad to give you my phone #. For now, know that I am lifting you up to the Lord. Also, I don't know what your health issues were/are, but I have used and researched alternative medicine for 35 years, and I may be able to help you in that area, too. God bless you! Harrietstaire