Monday, August 31, 2009

Homesick, Take 1!

I really want to go home.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Changing Times

The summer is wrapping up, and soon--that is, 2 and a half days from now--I will be leaving my home of nearly 20 years and heading to college. Much to my delight and surprise, this year off before college that I was "forced" to take turned out to be probably one of the best years of my life. God blessed me richly with wonderful friends, two great jobs, and fantastic co-workers, all of which helped the year really fly by. I'm still not in great shape physically, but I've learned some things this year to help manage my situation, which puts me in better standing now than I was a year ago.

Saying good-bye is hard. I have some dear friends who I will miss terribly, and parting from them for this time has been difficult. It is encouraging to know that the joy I've had in spending time with these friends is just a tiny taste of what's in store for us as believers. What a wonderful thing to look forward to!

Time to go continue packing...