Tuesday, March 9, 2010

MMMmmm...Humble Pie with a side of Crow anyone?!?

So...I'm an indecisive and not wholly optimistic person at times...ok, often. Last semester Hillsdale was the last place I wanted to be--that is, until the last 3 weeks of the semester. Having decided to transfer early on, I thought that it would be wise to follow through with that decision. I did, and were my decision irreversible I think I would regret it. Thankfully, it isn't, and subsequently I can say with all joy and excitement that I will be back at Hillsdale next fall! I'm thankful to have been able to try out a different kind of school this semester because it has really shown me just how unique an education Hillsdale provides. It's not a perfect school by any means, but now having a point of comparison I can see how many great things the school has to offer. All that to say, I feel like a schmuck for changing my mind umpteen times. Thankfully, the Lord knows me better than I know myself and has seen fit to make my way undeniably clear. What a blessing!